Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Reluctant Subject

Come on, Trixie, look at the camera... c'mon Trix, over here...look at the camera...that's right... good girl... how about a smile? [harrumph]


  1. Have to comment again..on the kitty :-) she really is gorgeous..I don't have any furbabies of my own at the mo. so I am a total sucker for other peoples' - living vicariously, thanks for sharing! Fran

  2. Aww, thank you. Yes she is pretty little cat, this one. And such a gentle nature. Now if only I can get her to stop clawing my new cushion covers... :)

  3. Aww, hello Trixie. I love that third piccie - she's got such an odd look.
