Tuesday, February 11, 2014

View from the Top

dailyhelen_ontop by dailyhelen
I took the Aerial Cableway up to the top of Table Mountain this evening. It was awesome!
~ A year ago today I was folding laundry


  1. That is a gorgeous shot, Miss Helen! What is at the top of Table Mtn?

    We are having another snow day here. 5" of beautiful white snow. Makes me happy as we don't see much snow. Could get icy later and that won't be good but i'll enjoy it whilst I can.


  2. Ooh, snow! Fun!

    The cablway deposits one on top of the western table. Up there you'll find a little shop and restaurant, as well as lots of short walking trails and view spots. And lots of paths that take one further - along the top to the eastern table, and also down to the back table.

  3. Sounds a lovely place to visit. And from your pic. it must be stunning in person.
    We have enjoyed the snow. It melted a lot this morning but started back up this afternoon and we've about 9" now.
    Pretty in white...But the melty brown slush is coming. Back to 50* by Friday.
