Monday, July 21, 2014

Little Mo

I met this puppy today. She's the cutest! 

~ A year ago today I was strolling around a village ~


  1. So cute and I see so much mischief in their future. :D

    The last couple days we've had two little red foxes playing in the yard. Maybe 6-mths. old. Hubby tossed out scraps into the composting area and I have a feeling that's what they were after.

  2. Aw, baby foxes! Would love to see those. Are you okay with them hanging around?

  3. They were cute playing and nosing for scraps. Yep. We are in the middle of 10-acres so they have probably a home near by. We don't have dogs or cats *allergic* but my grand-dogs visit from time to time and when they are out and about we never see the wild life. One is a Boxer and the other is a Rotty/St.Bard. mix. She is huge but old. Shox Jaxon the boxer is a nosy thing. He keeps the place safe unless something shows up...then he runs and hides behind your legs. :D
    I love that guy. A heart bigger than Texas and loves me *his snack givin gran* but is his granddads shadow.
